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假如发现脚底水肿,肾脏负责人体水分代谢、循环的工作,假如肾脏出了问题,体内的水分不能正常排出,就会影响人体的血液循环。These moisture flows to the bottom of the foot in the body, the cell fluid that brings about foot ministry to accumulate is overmuch, muscle loses elasticity, appear naturally the symptom of oedema。
脚后跟疼痛,肾反射区在脚后跟,若按摩或行走时有疼痛,且无伤口,行走时需大量运动,It may be related to deficiency of kidney and kidney gas。
It may be related to deficiency of kidney and kidney gas。中医体质测试仪提醒若平时走路正常,而后出现脚后跟磨损情况加剧,就要留意肾脏健康。脚趾甲呈白色、黄色,肾脏健康,脚趾甲应该红润、光滑、有光泽,看上去充满血丝。
但肾脏受损会由于机体的血液循环受阻,代谢功能减弱,导致水分滞留在体内,使机体容易受潮,The color that can appear toenail is white, the circumstance that make yellow likely。
中医体质测试仪提醒提醒大家护肾,Do not know only "eat" a lot of people think of "fill kidney" can think of food, actually, kidney is imagined without you so "hunger". Kidney nourishment and kidney care do not have to rely on "eating" to complete。
中医体质测试仪建议适当活动一下全身的骨骼,就可以增加身体的正能量,就能为肾脏“减轻负担”!经常进行足底按摩活动可益精补肾、促进睡眠,It has certain curative effect on vertigo, insomnia and tinnitus caused by kidney deficiency。