

发布日期:2021-06-24 11:39 浏览次数:

【联系方式】:136 1637 9298(微信同号)
      中医体质分析仪器厂家国康为了更好地服务客户,Understand customer needs and solve customer problems,于2021年6月11日正式在国内推出中医体质分析仪器质量回访行。每个回访团队都有售后工程师陪同,售后工程师将到各地为客户和朋友提供免费售后维修保养服务。
      The tour has five routes in northwest, southwest, north, south and east China, covering more than 10 provinces including Henan, Shandong and Hubei.为此,小编特地采访了本次中医体质分析仪器活动的相关负责人陈经理和李经理。
      Services to create value, to provide high quality products and services is the foundation of business survival, also is the goal of our pursuit, we went to visit the customer site, we know the customer feedback equipment, feedback to our company, understand the usage of equipment, equipment failure, it can improve the customer satisfaction of our company, for our equipment.这对公司产品品牌的推广也有很大的帮助,所以我们一定要坚持开展这个活动,以后每年都要开展。
      今年的疫情对很多中医体质分析仪器厂家的生产造成了一定的影响,也给我们在服务客户的时候带来了各种不便。While the epidemic is gradually alleviating, we also want to go to the front line of customers through this activity, find and solve some problems, so as to guarantee the production of customers in the second half of the year. We have certain protection requirements in the personnel arrangement.所有人员外出时必须严格遵守公司防疫规定,勤洗手,戴口罩等防护措施,确保自身安全。
      我们在客户现场后,首先做一个完整的回顾一下他们的整体中医体质分析仪器设备,为了带来更详细和准确的数据,然后再次为他们的操作人员培训,In some places the process is unreasonable or needs to be improved in production we will give you some advice if there are some real problems occurring, or there is a real hidden danger,我们会发现它,然后尝试现场解决。
在采访中,陈经理还表示,This time he was responsible for returning to visit many old customers, he hoped to know their production status in a few years, and let them know the development of our world。
      正如两位经理所说,Under the epidemic situation, Quality Bank of China can, on the one hand, improve customer satisfaction by sending customer return service, on the other hand, it is also conducive to the update and optimization of our own products。本着真诚为客户服务的心,追求创造高品质的中医体质分析仪器产品,相信在他们的领导下,品质会收获更精彩。

厂家咨询电话:136 1637 9298(微信同号)

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